Made in Bronze using the lost wax technique.
Little is known about the Sao’s culture. They left no written records and are known only through archaeological finds and the oral history of their successors. It is suggested that the Sao were the descendants of the Hyksos who conquered Ancient Egyp and that they moved south from the Nile valley into middle Africa in several waves under pressure from invaders, or that they originated in the Bilma Oasis north of lake Chad. They were skilled workers in bronze, copper, and iron. Finds include bronze Decorative Arts and terracotta statues of human and animal figures, coins, funerary urns, household utensils, jewellery, highly decorated pottery, and spears.
Made in Bronze using the lost wax technique.
Little is known about the Sao’s culture. They left no written records and are known only through archaeological finds and the oral history of their successors. It is suggested that the Sao were the descendants of the Hyksos who conquered Ancient Egyp and that they moved south from the Nile valley into middle Africa in several waves under pressure from invaders, or that they originated in the Bilma Oasis north of lake Chad. They were skilled workers in bronze, copper, and iron. Finds include bronze Decorative Arts and terracotta statues of human and animal figures, coins, funerary urns, household utensils, jewellery, highly decorated pottery, and spears.
1: 48 H x 38 W x 8 D cm 2: 46 H x 38 W x 7 D cm 3: 47 H x 38 W x 7 D cm |